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From: Tom Doyle
Sent: Friday, February 27, 2015 12:36
To: ‘Doyle Kasumi’
Subject: RE: ラナイ

(Sent 2 times)




Kasumiから連絡がなければ、下記の手紙をFirst Americanに送ります。



First American




かなり前に、書類にFirst Americanが書いてあったのを覚えています。



















First American Title

1177 Kapiolani Boulevard

Honolulu, HI 96814

Phone: 808.536.3866

Fax: 808.545.6189


February 27, 2015


My name is Thomas Doyle, and I am the husband of Kasumi Fujikawa Doyle.

A friend of mine in the real estate business informed me that there were 3 primary Title Companies in the State of Hawaii.  (First American, Fidelity and TGH)

I remember many years ago seeing “First American” on a document in my home, and am assuming that your company would be used if the following transaction was to go through.

If I am in error, please accept my sincere apologies, and disregard this letter.

It is my suspicion that Kasumi Doyle may be attempting to Gift, Transfer, or Sell the following property to a family member or friend:


The [Marital Partnership Property – Name Redacted]

[Street & Street Number Redacted] #Redacted

Honolulu, HI  96815

Parcel number:  [Redacted]

Owner name:





I realize that I have no authority to legally stop this transaction, but please let me state for the record:

1) Kasumi Doyle and I have been contemplating Divorce since at least Nov. 20, 2014.

2) Although the filing has not been officially made, we are now certainly in the process of Divorce.

3) Any actions made by Kasumi Doyle to Gift, Assign or Sell the property at this point in time to a family member or friend will be an attempt to try and avoid a fair and equitable Property Division on this Marital Partnership Property.  I have already notified Kasumi Doyle of my intentions to make a claim to a portion of the increase in Net Market Value of the property between the Date of Marriage (January 2000) and the Time of Divorce.  I have made very significant contributions to the Maintenance, Upkeep, and therefore the Appreciation of the property, and feel entitled to such a claim.

4) I strongly object to any attempts to Gift, Assign or Sell the property to a family member or friend.  If any such attempt is being undertaken, I demand that she stop.  It is my understanding that attempts of this kind are seen as improper and possibly even worse in the eyes of the Hawaii State Family Court, and in the final analysis, will have no effect on the final order for Fair and Equitable Property Division.  It will only cause unnecessary delays, and cost increases for the Divorce itself.

5) If such a transaction does go through, and there are increased legal fees and other costs associated with the Divorce, I will submit the necessary Motions to the Court that such fees be paid entirely by Kasumi Doyle.

6) Finally, I would like to strongly encourage Kasumi Doyle to halt such actions for her own sake.  By doing so, it is my understanding that her position may be jeopardized in the eyes of the Courts.  I would not want this to happen.  I am only seeking a fair and equitable division.  I only wish she would do the same.

Please feel free to pass this email on to Kasumi Doyle and her Attorney if you wish.  Thank you very much.


Thomas Doyle