Wednesday, January 1, 2025 01:50
Sent: Wednesday, January 1, 2025 01:50
To: Kasumi Fujikawa Doyle 藤川 香住【香住 藤川 ドイル】 (Email Address Redacted)
Subject: Contact me as soon as possible. This is very important.
Email Verification: Delivery Confirmed
Dear Kasumi,
I hope that you will read this letter carefully. I will use very simple English, but if necessary, please have it translated into Japanese.
It has now been ALMOST 10 YEARS since you last contacted me. You agreed to a Divorce back in February of 2015. Why haven’t you responded to a single email during this time? Why have you rejected all the Certified Letters I have sent? If you have a good reason for having treated me and my family in this manner, please explain.
If you are concerned that you may be held liable for selling the “Marital Property” to your brother (Osamu Fujikawa) for ONE DOLLAR back in March of 2015 (Improperly and/or Illegally), please rest assured that this can be dealt with “in your favor” if you contact me right away. It is my intention to resolve this matter as soon as possible. You did what you thought was “right” at the time – to hide/shield the “Marital Property” from fair and equitable distribution to both parties. Contact me now, and I promise everything will be resolved in your favor. If you choose to continue to hide out/avoid the issue, the matter will only get worse. Please contact me now.
I kept thinking, month after month, year after year, that someday soon, you would either contact me, or submit the Divorce Papers in Hawaii. Obviously, I was wrong. This has not happened. I cannot continue waiting for you to do the reasonable and rational thing. You are now consciously and intentionally trying to hurt me and my family.
I now have a family to take care of. As you know, I have 2 young daughters. You cannot imagine the tremendous stress and emotional suffering you are causing to me and to my family. This must stop now.
I had a major “Health Scare” a while back. I got through it, but I came face to face with my mortality. It can happen again at any time, and the results could be very different. I need to get the Divorce Process started AS SOON AS POSSIBLE. It is my intention to marry the mother of my children and take care of my family’s financial future in the best way I can. You are keeping me from fulfilling my responsibilities as a father. If you have any compassion and/or empathy at all, you will respond to this email right away.
But from your past actions, sadly, I do not think you will. I believe my only course of action will be to move to Hawaii and begin the process of reestablishing my State Residency. I am sure that by now you are an expert in Hawaii Divorce Law. As you know, I would have to live in Honolulu for at least 6 months before filing the Complaint for Divorce and Summons. Of course, I will have to do this alone. This will cause a tremendous mental, emotional and financial burden on me and my family. Money is extremely tight. I do not have the financial leeway to live in Hawaii for 3+ months, but it seems you are giving me no other choice.
All you would need to do is contact me, and we can start the process right away. As I have always said, my wish is to keep this Divorce Amicable and Harmonious and in line with the Laws and Regulations of the State of Hawaii. Through discussion or mediation, I can guarantee that the result will be completely in your favor. Of course, you already know this from the numerous emails I have written you.
It is obvious that you don’t care about me or my family. But what about yourself? Don’t you want to put this chapter behind you, and move on with your life? Living in misplaced Hate, Resentment and Vengeance cannot be something you truly desire. Don’t you want happiness in your life? You have a long future ahead. Why waste another day in Hate? You should get on with your life in a positive manner.
I made plans to be in Hawaii in September of 2019 so we could meet and discuss the situation. I sent about 20 emails to you in which you did not respond a single time. Are you having physical/mental issues that are keeping you from responding? If so, please let me know. Although you have shown me nothing but disrespect over the past 8 years, I am willing to help you in any way I can. After all, we did spend almost 15 years together in Hawaii.
Whenever you are ready to talk, I can make new plans to come to Hawaii. I do not want to spend the money for a Hawaii trip if you are not willing to have a discussion. Money is extremely tight. I have a family to take care of, and not in the position to waste money needlessly. But please do not wait too long. If I have to actually move back to Hawaii in order to initiate the divorce, things will be very different.
Whatever you do, please do not lie (commit perjury) to the Hawaii Courts by saying you do not know how to contact me. This would not be a good decision on your part. The last thing I want is for you to get into any serious legal trouble with the Courts.
Thank you. I look forward to hearing from you soon.
Tom Doyle
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