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Sat 2015-08-15 06:47

From: Tom Doyle
Sent: Saturday, August 15, 2015 06:47
To: Kasumi Fujikawa Doyle 藤川 香住【香住 藤川 ドイル】
Subject: Certified Mail August 2015

(Sent 4 Times)

I sent you a Certified Letter.


A delivery was attempted on August 14th at 11:02am.


Please contact the United States Postal Service to have the Letter re-delivered.







USPS® Customer Service


Call 1-800-ASK-USPS® (1-800-275-8777)

Hours of Operation


Monday – Friday 8 AM – 8:30 PM ET

Saturday 8 AM – 6 PM ET




Tom Doyle

[Email Redacted]

[Email Redacted]

[Phone Number Redacted]






Tracking Number: 9414811899562029283609


  • On Time
  • Expected Delivery Day: Friday, August 14, 2015

Product & Tracking Information

Postal Product:

  • First-Class Mail®


    • Certified Mail

Date & Time

Status of Item


August 14, 2015 , 11:02 am

Notice Left (No Authorized Recipient Available)


We attempted to deliver your item at 11:02 am on August 14, 2015 in HONOLULU, HI 96815 and a notice was left because an authorized recipient was not available. You may arrange redelivery by visiting or calling 800-ASK-USPS, or may pick up the item at the Post Office indicated on the notice. If this item is unclaimed by August 29, 2015 then it will be returned to sender.

August 14, 2015 , 8:32 am

Out for Delivery


August 14, 2015 , 8:22 am

Sorting Complete


August 13, 2015 , 6:08 pm

Arrived at Unit


August 13, 2015 , 10:25 am

Departed USPS Facility


August 13, 2015 , 1:47 am

Arrived at USPS Destination Facility


August 12, 2015 , 7:46 am

Departed USPS Facility

SEATTLE, WA 98168 

August 11, 2015 , 9:45 pm

Arrived at USPS Origin Facility

SEATTLE, WA 98168 

August 11, 2015 , 8:30 pm

Accepted at USPS Origin Sort Facility

SEATTLE, WA 98119 

August 11, 2015

Pre-Shipment Info Sent to USPS


Tue 2015-08-11 07:20

From: Tom Doyle
Sent: Tuesday, August 11, 2015 07:20
To: Kasumi Fujikawa Doyle 藤川 香住【香住 藤川 ドイル】
Subject: Divorce
Attachments: Certified Mail June 2015.pdf; certified mail k doyle june 2015.jpg

(Sent 4 Times)



1)  I have come to the conclusion that you have decided to completely cut off any and all communication with me.

2)  At least 6 emails have gone unanswered.  (You did not even extend to me the courtesy of sending a confirmation email)

3)  You also did not claim the Certified Mail I sent to you in June, 2015.  Delivery of the mail was attempted on June 20 and June 24.  Notices were left on both dates so you could schedule a re-delivery.  You made no attempt to have the mail re-delivered.

4)  I have attached an image file from the USPS website with the attempted delivery details.  The letter was sent back to me on July 18 as it was not claimed by the addressee.

5)  I have attached a copy of the Certified Letter that was mailed to you.

6)  I demand an update as to the status of ALL my personal items that are/were in our Marital Home.  (Our “Marital Partnership Property”) Some of the items, including my photos, videos and files, are priceless.  I demand an update as soon as possible.  Under no circumstances do I authorize you to dispose of these items.

7)  Please remember that we have been in “Contemplation of Divorce” since I wrote you an email on November 20, 2014Prolonging the filing of the Divorce Papers will not change this fact.

8)  Here is the Hawaii Court’s definition of the “date of the dissolution of the marital partnership”:

Any time after this (EARLIEST) date would be considered “Contemplation of Divorce.”


“Date of the dissolution of the marital partnership” means the  “EARLIEST”  of the following dates:

(1)  The date of the final separation in contemplation of divorce;

(2)  The date of the filing of the complaint for divorce;

(3)  The date one or both of the parties took a substantial step toward a final separation that subsequently occurred;

(4)  The date one or both of the parties contemplated or took a substantial step toward the filing of the complaint for divorce that was subsequently filed; or

     (5)  The date one or both of the parties demonstrated their express will to withdraw from the marital partnership.


9)  Obviously, I have not received the Divorce Papers yet.  Is there a reason as to why you are trying to prolong the process?  I can think of a few, but I will not elaborate in this letter.

9)  I think it is in your best interests, as well as mine, to fully discuss this matter.  If you no longer wish to communicate with me, please have your attorney contact me directly.





Tom Doyle

Email [Redacted]

Email [Redacted]

Email [Redacted]

Phone:  USA  [Redacted]

Email Attachments

Click the Link(s) Below to View or Download Attachments

Fri 2015-06-12 09:06

From: Tom Doyle
Sent: Friday, June 12, 2015 09:06
To: Kasumi Fujikawa Doyle 藤川 香住【香住 藤川 ドイル】
Subject: 3rd Attempt – Complaint for Divorce and Summons

(Sent 2 Times)


3rd Attempt / June 12, 2015



Dear Kasumi,


Please let me know when you are ready to send me the Complaint for Divorce and Summons.  (“Divorce Papers”)


I will let you know the address to which the “Divorce Papers” should be sent.


Please send me a reply confirming that you have received this email.  A simple  “Yes, received”  will be fine.


Thank you.



Tom Doyle




Contact Info:


Email: [Redacted]        [Redacted]


Phone:  [Redacted]

Wed 2015-06-10 11:51

From: Tom Doyle
Sent: Wednesday, June 10, 2015 11:51
To: Kasumi Fujikawa Doyle 藤川 香住【香住 藤川 ドイル】
Subject: Complaint for Divorce and Summons

(Sent 2 Times)


2nd Attempt / June 10, 2015



Dear Kasumi,


Please let me know when you are ready to send me the Complaint for Divorce and Summons.  (“Divorce Papers”)


I will let you know the address to which the “Divorce Papers” should be sent.


Please send me a reply confirming that you have received this email.  A simple  “Yes, received”  will be fine.


Thank you.



Tom Doyle




Contact Info:


Email: [Redacted]       [Redacted]


Phone:  [Redacted]

Mon 2015-06-08 12:25

From: Tom Doyle
Sent: Monday, June 8, 2015 12:25
To: Kasumi Fujikawa Doyle 藤川 香住【香住 藤川 ドイル】
Subject: Complaint for Divorce and Summons

(Sent 2 Times)


Dear Kasumi,


Please let me know when you are ready to send me the Complaint for Divorce and Summons.  (“Divorce Papers”)


I will let you know the address to which the “Divorce Papers” should be sent.


Please send me a reply confirming that you have received this email.  A simple  “Yes, received”  will be fine.


Thank you.



Tom Doyle




Contact Info:


Email:  [Redacted]        [Redacted]


Phone:  [Redacted]

Sun 2015-03-01 19:54

From: Tom Doyle
Sent: Sunday, March 1, 2015 19:54
To: Kasumi Fujikawa Doyle 藤川 香住【香住 藤川 ドイル】
Subject: 連絡

(Sent 2 Times)


Dear Kasumi,










僕の思い込みかもしれませんが、KasumiとKN [Name Redacted]がチームを組んで僕を完全に除外しようとしているように感じてしまいました。正直、KN [Name Redacted]からのメールはショックでした。([Redacted]のこと、[Redacted]のこと、子供のこと、Kasumiにすごく迷惑をかけたこと、Kasumiの条件を全てアクセプトすること、Kasumiから子供を隠していること、隠していることが法律違反かもしれないと言う事)その手紙は、KN [Name Redacted]とKasumiが一緒に書いたものだと思い、完全に守りに入ってしまいました。























Tom Doyle

Contact Information Redacted
