Most recent “Opened” Emails sent to Kasumi Fujikawa Doyle
(Confirmed that the Email was Delivered to, and Opened by Recipient)
Click Here to See all Verified Emails
From: Tom Doyle
Sent: Sunday, December 1, 2024 18:04
To: Kasumi Fujikawa Doyle 藤川 香住【香住 藤川 ドイル】
Subject: Contact me right away.
Sunday, December 1, 2024 18:04-Delivery Confirmed
Friday, November 1, 2024 11:40-Delivery Confirmed
Tuesday, October 1, 2024 11:18-Delivery Confirmed
Sunday, September 1, 2024 15:30-Delivery Confirmed
Thursday, August 1, 2024 09:53-Delivery Confirmed
Monday, July 1, 2024 11:20-Delivery Confirmed
Saturday, June 1, 2024 12:17-Delivery Confirmed
Wednesday, May 1, 2024 10:29-Opened Multiple Times
Friday, March 1, 2024 00:05-Opened Multiple Times
Saturday, February 3, 2024 19:48-Opened Multiple Times
Monday, January 1, 2024 18:42-Opened Multiple Times
Friday, December 1, 2023 15:48-Opened Multiple Times
Wednesday, November 1, 2023 19:45-Opened Multiple Times
Monday, October 2, 2023 11:40-Opened Multiple Times
Friday, September 1, 2023 17:40-Opened Multiple Times
Tuesday, August 1, 2023 22:08-Opened Multiple Times
Saturday, July 1, 2023 17:24-Opened Multiple Times
Thursday, June 1, 2023 00:57-Opened Multiple Times
Monday, May 1, 2023 22:03–Opened Multiple Times
Saturday, April 1, 2023 03:48– Opened Over 16 Times
Wednesday, March 1, 2023 11:41– Opened 1 Time
Saturday, February 11, 2023 21:45– Opened 5 Time LINK
Saturday, February 11, 2023 19:25– Opened 8 Times LINK
Thursday, February 2, 2023 06:53– Opened 6 Times
Sunday, January 1, 2023 01:21– Opened 2 Times
Thursday, December 1, 2022 01:45– Opened 1 Time
Tuesday, November 1, 2022 13:50– Opened 2 Times
Saturday, October 1, 2022 00:43– Opened 1 Time
Saturday, September 3, 2022 10:53– Opened 2 Times
Monday, August 1, 2022 15:15– Opened 1 Time
Friday, July 1, 2022 11:38– Opened 7 Times
Wednesday, June 1, 2022 02:41– Opened 1 Time
Sunday, May 1, 2022 22:09– Opened 3 Times
Saturday, April 2, 2022 03:58 – Opened 1 Time
Wednesday, March 2, 2022 17:56 – Opened 2 Times
Tuesday, February 1, 2022 03:03 – Opened 1 Time
Saturday, January 1, 2022 03:27 – Opened 1 Time
Friday, December 3, 2021 12:34 – Opened 1 Time
Sent: Monday, November 1, 2021 20:53 – Opened 2 Times
Sent: Friday, October 1, 2021 13:46 – Opened 1 Time
Sent: Wednesday, September 1, 2021 10:47 – Opened 2 Times
Sent: Sunday, August 1, 2021 22:45 – Opened 1 Time
Sent: Friday, July 2, 2021 11:03 – Opened 1 Time
Sent: Wednesday, June 2, 2021 11:03 – Opened 2 Times
Sent: Thursday, April 8, 2021 09:53 – Opened 1 Time
Sent: Tuesday, March 2, 2021 16:54 – Opened 6 Times
Sent: Wednesday, February 3, 2021 20:53 – Opened 16 Times
Sent: Friday, January 1, 2021 02:57 – Opened 1 Time
Sent: Saturday, December 5, 2020 23:12 – Opened 4 Times
Sent: Friday, November 6, 2020 20:18 – Opened 4 Times
Sent: Thursday, October 8, 2020 14:43 – Opened 1 Time
Sent: Tuesday, September 1, 2020 00:48 – Opened 3 Times
Sent: Tuesday, August 11, 2020 05:55 – Opened 1 Time
Sent: Thursday, July 16, 2020 00:41 – Opened 1 Time
Sent: Tuesday, June 16, 2020 01:39 – Opened 1 Time
Sent: Thursday, May 21, 2020 12:20 – Opened 1 Time
Sent: Friday, April 17, 2020 08:36 – Opened 1 Time
Sent: Saturday, April 4, 2020 02:15 – Opened 1 Time
Sent: Monday, March 23, 2020 22:23 – Opened 1 Time
Sent: Saturday, March 14, 2020 18:16 – Opened 5 Times
Sent: Wednesday, March 4, 2020 19:23 – Opened 4 Times
Sent: Wednesday, February 12, 2020 22:20 – Opened 3 Times
Sent: Monday, September 15, 2019 08:15 – Opened 11 Times
Total Number of Times Emails were Opened by Kasumi Fujikawa Doyle (Since September 2019): Over 400 Times
Total Number of Times Emails were Opened by Kasumi Fujikawa Doyle (Since February 2015): Over 600 Times
** Not a Single Response (Email, Phone Call, Letter, Etc.) from Kasumi Fujikawa Doyle since Febrary of 2015.
Dear Kasumi,
I hope that you will read this letter carefully. I will use very simple English, but if necessary, please have it translated into Japanese.
It has now been ALMOST 10 YEARS since you last contacted me. You agreed to a Divorce back in February of 2015. Why haven’t you responded to a single email during this time? Why have you rejected all the Certified Letters I have sent? If you have a good reason for having treated me and my family in this manner, please explain.
If you are concerned that you may be held liable for selling the “Marital Property” to your brother (Osamu Fujikawa) for ONE DOLLAR back in March of 2015 (Improperly and/or Illegally), please rest assured that this can be dealt with “in your favor” if you contact me right away. It is my intention to resolve this matter as soon as possible. You did what you thought was “right” at the time – to hide/shield the “Marital Property” from fair and equitable distribution to both parties. Contact me now, and I promise everything will be resolved in your favor. If you choose to continue to hide out/avoid the issue, the matter will only get worse. Please contact me now.
I kept thinking, month after month, year after year, that someday soon, you would either contact me, or submit the Divorce Papers in Hawaii. Obviously, I was wrong. This has not happened. I cannot continue waiting for you to do the reasonable and rational thing. You are now consciously and intentionally trying to hurt me and my family.
I now have a family to take care of. As you know, I have 2 young daughters. You cannot imagine the tremendous stress and emotional suffering you are causing to me and to my family. This must stop now.
I had a major “Health Scare” a while back. I got through it, but I came face to face with my mortality. It can happen again at any time, and the results could be very different. I need to get the Divorce Process started AS SOON AS POSSIBLE. It is my intention to marry the mother of my children and take care of my family’s financial future in the best way I can. You are keeping me from fulfilling my responsibilities as a father. If you have any compassion and/or empathy at all, you will respond to this email right away.
But from your past actions, sadly, I do not think you will. I believe my only course of action will be to move to Hawaii and begin the process of reestablishing my State Residency. I am sure that by now you are an expert in Hawaii Divorce Law. As you know, I would have to live in Honolulu for at least 3 months before filing the Complaint for Divorce and Summons. Of course, I will have to do this alone. This will cause a tremendous mental, emotional and financial burden on me and my family. Money is extremely tight. I do not have the financial leeway to live in Hawaii for 3+ months, but it seems you are giving me no other choice.
All you would need to do is contact me, and we can start the process right away. As I have always said, my wish is to keep this Divorce Amicable and Harmonious and in line with the Laws and Regulations of the State of Hawaii. Through discussion or mediation, I can guarantee that the result will be completely in your favor. Of course, you already know this from the numerous emails I have written you.
It is obvious that you don’t care about me or my family. But what about yourself? Don’t you want to put this chapter behind you, and move on with your life? Living in misplaced Hate, Resentment and Vengeance cannot be something you truly desire. Don’t you want happiness in your life? You have a long future ahead. Why waste another day in Hate? You should get on with your life in a positive manner.
I made plans to be in Hawaii in September of 2019 so we could meet and discuss the situation. I sent about 20 emails to you in which you did not respond a single time. Are you having physical/mental issues that are keeping you from responding? If so, please let me know. Although you have shown me nothing but disrespect over the past 8.5 years, I am willing to help you in any way I can. After all, we did spend almost 15 years together in Hawaii.
Whenever you are ready to talk, I can make new plans to come to Hawaii. I do not want to spend the money for a Hawaii trip if you are not willing to have a discussion. Money is extremely tight. I have a family to take care of, and not in the position to waste money needlessly. But please do not wait too long. If I have to actually move back to Hawaii in order to initiate the divorce, things will be very different.
Whatever you do, please do not lie (commit perjury) to the Hawaii Courts by saying you do not know how to contact me. This would not be a good decision on your part. The last thing I want is for you to get into any serious legal trouble with the Courts.
Thank you. I look forward to hearing from you soon.
Tom Doyle
Japanese Translation of Letter (Email). A Machine Translation Service (DeepL) was used to avoid any translational bias.
There may be errors in the Japanese Version. Please refer to the original English Version as the definitive source.
手紙(メール)の日本語訳。翻訳の偏りを防ぐため、機械翻訳サービス (DeepL) を利用しました。
日本語版には翻訳エラーがある可能性があります。 オリジナルの英語版(原本)をご参照ください。
この手紙をよく読んでいただければと思います。 とても簡単な英語で書きましたが、必要であれば日本語に翻訳してください。
あなたが最後に私に連絡を取ってから、もうすぐ10年になります。 あなたは2015年の2月に離婚に同意しました。 この間、なぜあなたは一度もメールに返信していないのですか? なぜ私が送った内容証明郵便をすべて拒否したのですか? 私や私の家族にこのような仕打ちをした正当な理由があるのであれば、説明してください。
[もしあなたが、2015年3月に「夫婦の財産」をあなたの弟(藤川Osamu)に1ドルで売ったことに対して責任を問われるかもしれないと心配しているなら、すぐに私に連絡すれば、「あなたに有利な」対処ができますので、安心してください。 一刻も早くこの問題を解決するのが私の本意です。 あなたは当時「正しい」と思っていたこと、つまり「婚姻財産」を隠して、両者への公正・公平な分配から逃れることをしたのです。 今すぐ私に相談してください。そうすれば、すべてがあなたに有利になるように解決することを約束します。 もし、あなたがこの問題を隠し続ける/避け続けることを選択した場合、問題は悪化する一方でしょう。 今すぐご連絡ください。]
私は毎月、毎年、いつかあなたが私に連絡するか、ハワイで離婚届を出すだろうと思い続けていました。 明らかに、私は間違っていました。 このようなことは起こっていません。 私は、あなたが合理的で理性的なことをするのを待ち続けることはできません。 あなたは今、意識的、意図的に私と私の家族を傷つけようとしています。
私には今、大切にしなければならない家族がいます。 ご存知のように、私には2人の幼い娘がいます。 あなたが私と私の家族に与えている多大なストレスと精神的苦痛は、あなたには想像もつかないでしょう。 今すぐやめるべきです。
私は以前、大きな “健康不安 “に襲われました。 それを乗り越えましたが、自分の死期を目の当たりにしました。 いつまた同じことが起こるかわからないし、結果もまったく違うものになるかもしれない。 できるだけ早く離婚の手続きを取らなければなりません。 子供の母親と結婚し、家族の経済的な将来のために最善を尽くすのが私の意志です。 あなたのせいで、父親としての責任を果たすことができません。 もしあなたに思いやりや共感があるのなら、このメールにすぐに返信してくれるでしょう。
しかし、あなたの過去の行動から、残念ながら、そうなるとは思えません。 私は、ハワイに移り住み、州の居住権を再取得する手続きを始めるしかないと思っています。 あなたは、ハワイの離婚法の専門家だと思います。 ご存知のように、私は離婚の訴状と召喚状を提出する前に、少なくとも3ヶ月はホノルルに住まなければなりません。 もちろん、これは私一人でやらなければなりません。 これは、私と私の家族に多大な精神的、感情的、経済的負担をかけることになります。お金も非常にきつい。 3ヶ月以上ハワイに住む経済的余裕はないのですが、他に選択肢はないようですね。
ただ、私に連絡を頂ければ、すぐに手続きは開始できます。 いつも言っているように、私の願いは、この離婚を円満に、そしてハワイ州の法律と規則に沿って行うことです。 話し合いや調停を通じて、完全にあなたに有利な結果になることを保証します。 もちろん、あなたはすでに私が書いた多くのメールからこのことをご存知でしょう。
あなたが私や私の家族のことを気にかけていないことは明らかです。 でも、あなたはどうなんですか? この事態を過去のものとして、自分の人生を歩みたいとは思わないのか? 見当違いの憎しみ、恨み、復讐の中で生きることは、あなたが本当に望むことではありません。 あなたは自分の人生に幸せを望んでいないのですか? あなたには長い未来があります。 なぜまた一日を無駄にするのでしょうか? なぜ、前向きに人生を歩まないのでしょうか?
9月にハワイに行く予定があったので、会って話をすることができました。 20通ほどメールを送りましたが、あなたは一度も返事をしませんでした。 身体的・精神的な問題で返信ができないのでしょうか? もしそうなら、私に教えてください。 この10年近く、あなたは私に軽蔑の念しか示しませんでしたが、私はどんな形であれあなたを助けたいと思っています。 何といっても、私たちは15年近く一緒に過ごしてきたのですから。
あなたが話す気になれば、いつでもハワイに来る新しい計画を立てられます。 あなたが話し合いに応じないのであれば、私はハワイに行くお金を使いたくはないのです。 お金はとても苦しいです。 家族もいるし、無駄なお金を使う立場でもない。 でも、あまり長くは待たないでください。 もし、私が離婚を始めるために実際にハワイに戻ることになれば、状況は大きく変わるでしょう。
何をするにしても、ハワイの裁判所に対して、私に連絡する方法を知らないと嘘(偽証)をつかないでください。 これはあなたにとって良い判断ではありません。 私が一番望まないのは、あなたが裁判所と深刻な法的トラブルに巻き込まれることです。
ありがとうございます。 それでは、ご連絡をお待ちしております。
Tom Doyle
My Contact Info:
[Email Redacted]
[Email Redacted]
[Email Redacted]
[Email Redacted]
USA [Phone Redacted]
Japan [Phone Redacted]
Skype ID:
[Address Redacted]
[Address Redacted]
Email sent to Kasumi Fujikawa Doyle – August 15, 2016
From: Tom Doyle
Sent: Monday, August 15, 2016 01:16
To: Kasumi Fujikawa Doyle 藤川 香住【香住 藤川 ドイル】
Subject: August Letter
Attachments: Kasumi Doyle Aug 15 2016.pdf
No Response from Kasumi Fujikawa Doyle
Email Verification: Opened 45 Times
Forwarded: 13 Times to Tokyo, Japan / Opened 10 Times in Tokyo
3 Times to Kokubunji (Tokyo), Japan / Opened 3 Times in Tokyo
Forwarded To: KN [Name Redacted] / Sister-in-Law
August 15, 2016
Dear Kasumi,
This is a very important letter. If necessary, have it translated into Japanese.
I will no longer write any letters to you in Japanese. But for your sake, I will keep the English in this letter as simple and easy to understand as possible. I wrote the last 3 emails to you in Japanese as a courtesy to you. But you have shown absolutely no courtesy towards me. You have treated me with complete disrespect by not answering a single email I have sent to you over the past year and a half. You also chose to refuse the Certified Letters that I have sent you. You still, after 18 months, have not told me if my personal items that were left in the Condominium are safe, or whether you disposed of them without my authorization. Why have you chosen to do this? I think it is in your best interests to have a conversation with me and discuss our Divorce in detail. Why would you not want to do this?
As you are well aware, the only portion of our Marital Property that I am making a claim to is a “portion” of the increase in Net Market Value of the [Marital Partnership Property – Name Redacted]. I was willing to give up any and all rights I had to everything else. Why are you still, after 18 months, unwilling to talk to me about this?
I am sure it is because you chose to improperly transfer the title and ownership of our Marital Partnership Property ([Marital Partnership Property – Name Redacted]) to your younger brother, for $1, on March 5, 2015. Do you think that the Hawaii Courts will choose to ignore this if you prolong the filing for Divorce? The laws of the State of Hawaii (Case Law) are very clear on this. Since the Improper Transfer occurred well after we began discussing our Divorce, the Transfer of Title will not be a factor. The Courts will make a decision as if the transfer never occurred. Any Judge will know right away that you did this in order to try and avoid a Property Distribution that you absolutely knew would occur. I have all the evidence required to prove that this was indeed the case. I explained this to you in detail in the emails I have previously sent.
I have already explained to you in my Apr 24 2016 email (which you received, opened, read and even forwarded) as to what would happen if this Divorce was left to the Attorneys and the Courts. My Attorney will assert my rights to receive all that is “Fair and Equitable” under the Laws and Guidelines of the State of Hawaii. Like I have stated numerous times before, I do not think that this will be in your best interests. Are you sure that this is what you want?
Perhaps the only way forward in this Divorce is to let the Courts decide. I am OK with that. If you decide at some point that you would like to have a conversation with me, please let me know. But do not wait too long. Once the process begins, I will no longer be in a place to compromise.
In this letter, I will first go over the Email Tracking that was conducted on my past 6 emails to you. (The email tracking was conducted with your consent and approval) Second, I will state my comments and suggestions regarding the deletion of the 2 blog posts to the “Florida and Japan Law” website. And finally, I will write my parting thoughts and comments, as well as offer you a concrete proposal regarding the Property Distribution. ([Marital Partnership Property – Name Redacted])
Email Tracking: You have, at this point, completely ignored all attempts by me to contact you over the past 18 months. This includes numerous emails (well over 50) as well as several Certified Mailings. I had no way of knowing if you ever received or read any of my emails. Although I made the request in each of the emails I sent you, not once have you sent me a confirmation of receipt.
I know now that you did this intentionally. I now have the data that shows the last 6 emails I sent to you were received by you and read numerous times (over 75 times). It would be safe to assume that all of the emails I sent to you over the past 18 months were received and read by you. (If necessary, this can now be proven in Court)
Emails that were tracked with your consent and approval:
Feb 3, Feb 17, Mar 2, Apr 25, May 7, May 10
I explained to you in detail as to what information would be received through the tracking of the emails. (This was included in the Emails I sent to you on May 7 and May 10, 2016)
I have not included any of the details in this letter regarding the information that was contained in the report. (IP Addresses/Exact number of times email was opened/Browser Type/Browser Language/Time and Date/etc.) The Email Tracking Report is over 25 pages long. What follows is just a very brief summary. If necessary, all the details will be provided to the Attorneys and to the Hawaii Courts.
Feb 3 2016 Email: Opened and Read (読んだ回数): Over 10 times.
Forwarded 転送: No
Feb 17 2016 Email: Opened and Read(読んだ回数): Over 5 times.
Forwarded転送: No
Mar 2 2016 Email: Opened and Read(読んだ回数): Over 10 times.
Forwarded転送: No
Apr 25 2016 Email: Opened and Read(読んだ回数): Over 10 times.
Forwarded転送: Yes. Tokyo, Japan. Opened and Read over 4 times by recipient.
May 7 2016 Email: Opened and Read(読んだ回数): Over 20 times.
Forwarded転送: Insufficient data.
May 10 2016 Email: Opened and Read(読んだ回数): Over 20 times.
Forwarded転送: Yes. Tokyo, Japan. Opened and Read over 4 times by recipient.
Total number of times the 6 emails were opened and read: Over 75 times.
Number of emails forwarded to Japan: At least 2 emails, opened and read over 8 times.
I asked you to let me know via email if you did not want me to track the emails. If you would have sent me an email with a simple “No”, I would not have tracked the emails. Although your consent was not necessary from a legal standpoint, I chose to extend that courtesy to you. I told you, very clearly, that I would interpret a non-response from you as Approval and Consent.
You had 4 full days to respond, but you did not. The emails asking for your Consent and Approval were written to you in Japanese, and were very easy to understand. You read them numerous times, and even chose to forward at least one of them (May 10). But still, you chose not to respond.
I wrote the following in my email to you dated May 10, 2016:
(Translation: A Tracking Pixel has been inserted in this current email (May 10), as well as the emails sent on May 7, Apr 24, Mar 1, Feb 17 and Feb 2, 2016.)
You knew (and consented to) that any email you received since Feb 3, 2016, would be tracked. You also knew that any email you forwarded would be tracked.
It was very unfortunate that I had to do this, but your actions over the past 18 months left me no other choice. The 2 emails, May 7 and May 10, asking for your consent and approval for Email Tracking were opened a total of at least 40 times. May 10 / 20+ times, May 7 / 20+ times.
Any excuses, reasons or explanations you may have had, such as not having received my emails, having blocked my emails, or having deleted my emails before reading them, are no longer valid options for you.
Your actions have consequences. You need to know the tremendous, and unnecessary psychological and emotional stress you have caused me over the past 18 months. I have nothing more to say on this subject at this time. Only that I never thought you were someone who could do such a thing. Especially to someone you were married to for over a decade.
Here is an excerpt from an email I sent to you on July 24, 2011, as well as a part of your response to that email. (You express your sincere gratitude to the financial contributions I was making.)
The email is referring to the payments I made between the years of 2006 and 2010.
From: Tom Doyle
To: Kasumi Fujikawa Doyle 藤川 香住【香住 藤川 ドイル】
Subject: RE:
Date: Sun, 24 Jul 2011 08:43:17 -1000
(Note: This is the translation/paraphrasing of the original email written in Romanized Japanese.)
Payments I have made over the past 48 months.
$1150 per month. (But closer to $1200/Mo.)
Maintenance Fees for the [Marital Partnership Property – Name Redacted]: $400/Mo.
Insurance Fees for the car and Insurance Fees/Taxes for the [Marital Partnership Property – Name Redacted]: about $100/Mo.
Cable and Telephone Fees: $150/Mo.
Additional: $500/Mo.
(Note: “Additional” refers to Kasumi’s Groceries/Meals/etc., as well as a [Marital Partnership Property] Fund which covered the costs for Kasumi’s Mother and Father to stay in Hawaii, or for other costs associated with the [Marital Partnership Property – Name Redacted].)
Total paid over 48 months: $55,200
Your Response:
From: Doyle Kasumi
Sent: Saturday, July 23, 2011 4:19 PM
To: Tom Doyle
Subject: RE:
(Translation: I am deeply grateful for everything that you (Tom) have done up to now.)
Reading your response, you are clearly acknowledging the very significant contributions I was making to the marriage. (Including the payments I was making directly to the [Marital Partnership Property – Name Redacted] including Monthly Maintenance Fees, Property Insurance/Tax, [Marital Partnership Property] Fund, etc.)
I was happy to contribute financially. We were married, and we were partners.
Please remember the sincere gratitude you expressed to me just a few years ago. This situation with the Divorce has gone on far too long. Let’s put an end to it as soon as possible, and begin our new and “separate” lives. I do wish you all the best in the future.
Deleted Blog Posts: I think that your decision to request deletions of your Blog Posts on the “Florida and Japan Law” website was a good one. Not that it was necessary, but it is also additional proof that you, in fact, wrote the Blog Posts. But deleting only the 2 posts on Feb 22, 2015, is not nearly enough. The posting you made on Sep 29, 2015 needs to be deleted as well. Perhaps the Site Owner did not agree to deleting that one. But please do not give up. Leaving that post would be a bit awkward as it refers back to the posts you made on Feb 22, 2015.
I am sure your posting on the “” website will be harder to delete. I’m pretty sure you tried, but “” is a very large website with heavy Internet traffic. I am certain the site has policies in place to prevent deletions. But please do not give up.
Also, as you know, most everything posted on the internet is kept indefinitely in Internet Cache Files. The Feb 22, 2015 posts still exist in at least 3 places (Cache Files for 3 different Search Engines). There may be many more. Requesting deletion of Internet Cache Files may be very troublesome, and can take a very long time, but I think you must do this in order to get the posts deleted completely.
And of course, I have all of the data from all the posts copied and stored in a manner which safeguards its evidentiary value. (Original posts/HTML Source Code/Client ID/Time Stamps/Cache files/Deletions/etc.) If you ever need to see them again, please let me know. I will be happy to send you a copy. I will make the data available to the Hawaii Courts and Attorneys if necessary.
But whatever you do, please do not deny the fact that you wrote the Blog Posts. It will be very easy to prove that you did. (Client ID/Time Stamp/Contacting Site Owner for Affidavit/Etc.) If you deny it in Court (under oath), and it is later found out and proven that you lied, this can put you in a very precarious situation. It will no longer be just about the Divorce. Please do not put yourself in any further legal troubles.
Final Comments: I have all the documentation and proof I need if we have to face each other in Court. But as I have stated many times before, I would rather handle this through discussion in an amicable manner. I have stated, on the record, everything I need to say in the emails over the past 18 months. If you continue to insist that this matter go to Court, so be it. But if you do change your mind, I will still be open to the possibility of discussing this with you. But as I stated before, do not wait too long.
And do not attempt anything improper if, and when, you “finally” decide to file the Divorce Papers: Such as….
*Telling the Authorities/Courts that you do not know where I am living.
*Telling the Authorities/Courts that you do not have my address.
*Telling the Authorities/Courts that you do not have my contact information.
*Sending the Divorce Papers to an address you know to be wrong or outdated.
*Attempting to file for Divorce in Japan to try and avoid a Property Distribution in Hawaii.
*Etc., etc.
I do not think you would try such things, but considering what you have already done in the past, I cannot rule it out. If you do, it will put you in legal troubles far beyond the Divorce. Please, for your own sake, do not put yourself in any further legal predicaments.
I would like to end with a concrete proposal Re: The Property Distribution.
If you agree to this, this matter will be settled, and we can both get on with our lives.
It will save us both a tremendous amount of money in Attorney Fees, as well as other costs associated with the Divorce. (Trial/Mediation/Travel Fees for Witnesses/Investigative Costs/Etc.)
It will save us both a lot of Time and Stress.
I am willing to settle for the amount of $120,000. This offer will be valid for 21 days only.
The usual Division for any increase in Net Market Value of “Category 2” property is 50% to each spouse. The Net Market Value of the [Marital Partnership Property – Name Redacted] was $160,000 when we got married in the year 2000. It is currently valued at just over $500,000. (A little higher than the Tax Assessed Value of $483,100) The initial $160,000 was yours before the marriage (Category 1), so 100% of that will go back to you.
The increase in Net Market Value: $500,000 – $160,000 = Approximately $340,000
50% of $340,000 = $170,000 (The amount which each spouse should receive)
Based on the Laws and Guidelines of the State of Hawaii, I should receive $170,000, but I am willing settle for $120,000. (35% rather than the usual 50%) This would mean that you receive 100% of the “Category 1”, and 65% of the “Category 2” property for the [Marital Partnership Property – Name Redacted]. From my calculations, I directly contributed over $100,000 into the [Marital Partnership Property – Name Redacted] over 12 Years. (2000-2011) I am sure that I could, and deserve to receive more, but I am willing to compromise at this amount.
I think this is a very good deal for you. Please give it serious thought.
For your reference: (Hawaii Property Division Guidelines) (Note: Link No Longer Valid)
Category 1: Equity of premarital property determined as of date of marriage, which is generally awarded 100% to owner spouse
Category 2: Appreciation/increase in equity of premarital property from date of marriage to time of Divorce, which is awarded 50% to owner spouse and 50% to non-owner spouse
Category 3: Equity of property acquired after date of marriage by gift or inheritance determined as of date of acquisition which is awarded 100% to owner spouse
Category 4: Appreciation/increase in equity of gifted/inherited property from date of acquisition to time of Divorce, which is awarded 50% to owner spouse and 50% to non-owner spouse
Category 5: Equity of all other property determined as of time of Divorce, which is generally awarded 50% to each spouse regardless of whether property is titled in one spouse’s name or both spouses’ names
And of course, I will not make any claims to the car or to anything else that would otherwise be included in the Property Division. (This is fully explained in my Apr 24, 2015 Email to you) Again, it will be valid for 21 days. If you agree to this, we can put everything in writing.
If you would rather have this matter settled in Court, I have already explained what would happen. My Attorney will assert my rights to receive all that is “Fair and Equitable” under the Laws and Guidelines of the State of Hawaii. Also, please remember that there may be a “Deviation” from the 50% rule when one of the spouses improperly, and after Contemplation of Divorce, gives away or assigns property to “a family member or friend” to avoid a Property Distribution. All of this was explained to you in detail in past emails. This means that there is the possibility that I will receive significantly more than 50% of the increase in Net Market Value of the [Marital Partnership Property – Name Redacted].
Please give full and careful consideration to my offer. I believe this deal is extremely advantageous for you. I have made a huge compromise for the sake of putting an end to this. Please discuss fully with your Attorney(s) and other Advisors. Thank you.
Tom Doyle
Contact Information.
Phone: (USA) [Redacted]
Phone: (Japan) [Redacted]
Skype ID: [Redacted]
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