Video of Kasumi Fujikawa Doyle Accepting Thomas Doyle’s Contact Information
August 9, 2018
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Video was taken on August 9, 2018, by Cliff [Last Name Redacted]. (At Thomas Doyle’s request)
Although legal to show, Kasumi Fujikawa Doyle’s face has been hidden or blurred to protect her privacy.
Original Video will be made available to the Hawaii Courts.
Hawaii is a “One Party Consent” State:
Hawaii Recording Law Summary:
Hawaii recording law stipulates that it is a one-party consent state. In Hawaii, it is a criminal offense to use any device to record or disclose communications, whether they are wire, oral or electronic, without the consent of at least one person taking part in the communication. This means that in Hawaii, you are legally allowed to record a conversation if you are a contributor, or with prior consent from one of the involved parties. Haw. Rev. Stat. § 803-42.
This Video was taken at the [Redacted] [Redacted] in Honolulu, Hawaii. It was a public area where Kasumi Fujikawa Doyle had no reasonable “Expectation of Privacy.” It is our understanding, under Hawaii State Law, that the taking of, and posting of this Video is completely legal. Consent was obtained by Thomas Doyle from Cliff [Last Name Redacted] and his daughter [Name Redacted] to do so. (They were parties involved in the conversation – Hawaii is a “One Party Consent” State)
However, we do respect the privacy rights of others. Kasumi Fujikawa’s face has been hidden or blurred. If Kasumi Fujikawa Doyle, and/or her Attorney contact us directly, and request that we remove the video, we will consider doing so. Video is currently Password Protected.
Email “Report” from Cliff [Last Name Redacted] – August 10, 2018
From: Cliff [Last Name Redacted] <[Email Redacted]>
Sent: Friday, August 10, 2018 05:49
To: Thomas Doyle
Subject: Kasumi contact
walked to [Redacted] with family this morning 0930 sharp just at [Redacted]
went to [Redacted] window with my kids
said hello to Kasumi handed her your contract info paper
said this is from Tom,
[Cliff’s Daughter – Name Redacted] took a video of her holding it
She said she didn’t want it and tried to give it back to me
I raised my hands palms outward and said it’s not mine
She tore it up in front of us
and we walked away
Best regards,
Cliff [Last Name Redacted]
Text of Document that was handed to, and accepted by, Kasumi Fujikawa Doyle
Very Important Information for KASUMI FUJIKAWA DOYLE
Please Contact your Husband, THOMAS DOYLE, Immediately.
Contact Information:
Phone: (USA) [Phone Number Redacted]
Phone: (Japan) [Phone Number Redacted]
Email #1: [Email Redacted]
Email #2: [Email Redacted]
Email #3: [Email Redacted]
Skype ID: [Skype ID Redacted]
Mailing Address:
[Mailing Address Redacted]
Thank you.
Thomas Doyle
August 8, 2018